Real Estate/Landlord AssociationsSalt Lake Real Estate Investors Club Contact: Kandace Mollerup Telephone: (801) 944-8589 When: 3rd Thursday of the month, 6:30pm Where: Whitmore Library, 2197 E. Ft. Union Blvd, Salt Lake
Landlords Anonymous Contact: James Howard Telephone: (801) 250-6175 When: Last Tuesday of the month, 7:00pm Where: (call for location), Salt Lake City
Northern Utah Real Estate Investors Contact: Chris Anderson Telephone: (435) 753-7995 When: First Thursday of the month, 6:00pm Where: (call for location), Logan, Ogden, Salt Lake City
Utah Creative Real Estate Investors Association Contact: Fred Tingley Telephone: (801) 747-0944 When: 2nd Thursday of each month, 6:30pm Where: Larry H. Miller Chevrolet Training Room (5700 S. State), Murray
Investors Unlimited Club Contact: Mark Stone Telephone: (801) 787-3906 When: 7:00pm, TBD Where: University Mall, Orem